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Necessity of Special Police for Children and Adolescents in Iranian Judicial System (589 Downloads)
Methods of Fostering Orphaned Children and Children with Unqualified Parents in Iranian Law (484 Downloads)
Inconsistencies in Legislative Criminal Policy of "Child and Adolescent Protection Code" and "Family and Youth Protection Code" (482 Downloads)
Instagram Child Labor Concept: A Study on Iranian Children on Cyber Space (457 Downloads)
The Right to Family Life of Children in the Light of Human Rights System (420 Downloads)
The Law on Family Support and Population Rejuvenation and its Negative Effects on the Right to Health (379 Downloads)
A Survey of Child Marriage in the Country with Emphasis on East Azarbaijan Province (356 Downloads)
Reflection on the Relationship between Education and Child Rights (352 Downloads)
Protective Approach of Iranian Law to the Victimization of Children and Teenagers in Cyberspace (with Emphasis on the Law on the Protection of Children and Teenagers Approved on 2020) (323 Downloads)
The Child’s Right to Happiness (314 Downloads)
Supportive Legal Actions of the Welfare Organization towards Children and Teenagers (291 Downloads)
A Review of Studies of Working Children in Iran (286 Downloads)
Analyzing Children's Cyber Pornography with Emphasis on the Law on Protection of Children and Adolescents Approved in 2019 (279 Downloads)
The Role of Economic Law in Protecting the Labor Rights of Children (271 Downloads)
Criminal Justice for Delinquent Children and Teenagers Emphasizing the Convention on the Rights of the Child (269 Downloads)
Principles of Children's Criminal Policy (267 Downloads)
Manifestations of differential penal policy towards child victims with a look at the Child and Adolescent Protection Law adopted in 2020 (264 Downloads)
The Role of the Media in the Delinquency of Children and Adolescents and the Explanation of Prevention Strategies in the Light of Developmental Criminology Theory (263 Downloads)
Child Great Interests in Iran's Judiciary and Convention on the Rights of the Child (261 Downloads)
Iranian Criminal Policy towards Child Sexual Molestation in the Light of the Child and Adolescent Protection Law of 2020 (259 Downloads)
Investigating the Effects of Various Mass Media on Juvenile Delinquency (259 Downloads)
Children's Right to a Healthy Environment in International Documents (258 Downloads)
The Right of Visiting and Custodianship in the National Child and Adolescent Rights Document (254 Downloads)
Air Pollution and Threats to Children's Rights; a Approach to the Conflict between the Right to Education and the Right to Health (252 Downloads)
Domestic Legal Order in Response to Violence against Children (249 Downloads)
Children's Rights to Education in International Human Rights Documents (247 Downloads)
Protection of Children from Violence in The Context of International Instruments (245 Downloads)
The Course of Juvenile Court Proceedings in Iranian Criminal Law (244 Downloads)
Legal Clinics; Desirable Mechanism for Protection and Substantiation of Children's Rights (242 Downloads)
Explaining Consent and Assent in the Treatment of Children from the Perspective of Jurisprudence, Law and Medical Ethics (242 Downloads)
The Effect of Visual Media on the Occurrence of Deviations and Crimes in Children and Teenagers and Ways to Prevent it (241 Downloads)
The Rights of Children with Disabilities in Iran: An Analysis of Determining Areas (241 Downloads)
The Freedom of Abortion and Reproduction from the Perspective of Simone de Beauvoir (239 Downloads)
The Necessity of Recognition and Support of Children Right to Happiness in Domestic and International Legal System (238 Downloads)
Investigating the Effect of Bystander Intervention on Types of Bullying (a Case Study of 7th Grade Boys Schools in the 7th District of Mashhad) (237 Downloads)
A critique of the Right to Free Education of Children and Teenagers in Iran (236 Downloads)
Responsibility of Governments and Mechanisms for Protecting Children's Rights in Cyberspace (235 Downloads)
The Effect of Distance Learning through Shad Software on the Academic Achievement of Shahed Primary Special School Students in Alborz Province (234 Downloads)
The Spirit of Child Rights; A Look at the Goals of Child Rights in a Comparative Approach (227 Downloads)
Protection of Right to Life of the Child in Viewpoint of Islam and International Instruments with a Look at the Children of Yemen (227 Downloads)
The Role of Child Hyperactivity Disorder in Adult Crime (226 Downloads)
Social Protection of Street and Labor Children (225 Downloads)
Children, Teenagers and Cyberspace: The Impact of Internet Dependence on Intergenerational Rupture (223 Downloads)
Educating Children & Juveniles Deprived of Their Liberty & the Challenges They Face in Iran Law (222 Downloads)
Children and Changes in the Iranian Family: An Introduction to the Future of Childhood in Iran (222 Downloads)
Legal Assistance of a Lawyer to a Child in the Process of Criminal Proceedings (a Comparative Study of the Code of Criminal Procedure Approved in 2012 and International Documents) (222 Downloads)
Violence against Street Children and Iran's International Commitments (221 Downloads)
legislative Criminal Policy in the Iranian Legal System on Child Rights Violations in the Field of Computer Games (219 Downloads)
An Analytical Study on Alternative Punishment for Juvenile Delinquency (219 Downloads)
Understanding the Lived Experiences of Adolescents with Parents with Psychiatric Disorders of Stigma (218 Downloads)
Total Sum: 25430

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