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:: Volume 4, Issue 16 (winter 2023) ::
Child Rights 2023, 4(16): 67-80 Back to browse issues page
Analyzing Children's Cyber Pornography with Emphasis on the Law on Protection of Children and Adolescents Approved in 2019
Seyed Ali Reza Mirkamali
Department of law, Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (335 Views)
Background and Aim: The present study tries to explain and investigate the cyber pornography of children with emphasis on the Law on the Protection of Children and Adolescents approved in 2019.
Method: The type of research in this research will be theoretical and based on the analytical-descriptive method based on accepted legal principles. The data required for the current research were collected through the library method.
Results: In most countries and legal systems with a protective view, cyber pornography of children has been considered as a criminal behavior and is considered as one of the examples of computer crimes against children, which is usually accompanied by severe punishment. The special features of cyber space such as: ease of access, convenient, fast and low-cost distribution along with security and concealment of the nature of the criminal, have made this space a special environment for committing this crime. Before the adoption of the Law on the Protection of Children and Adolescents in 2019, pornography was not defined in Iranian law, but it was recognized as a crime against chastity and public morals, which the criminal lawmaker has regulations about in the computer crimes chapter of the punishment section of the Penal Code. Islam had established The Law on the Protection of Children and Adolescents approved in 2019 defines this concept; According to Clause D of Article 1 of this law, pornography is: the preparation and production of any work whose content expresses the sexual attraction of a child or teenager, such as nudity, intercourse, sexual acts or sexual organs.
Conclusion: With all the progress of the law on the protection of children and adolescents approved in 2019, this law is not comprehensive regarding the punishment of the perpetrators of crimes against children, especially new crimes such as child cyber pornography, and sometimes there is a need to refer to other laws in this regard. Among them, the law on computer crimes and the law on how to punish people who engage in unauthorized activities in audiovisual matters can be seen.

Please cite this article as:
Mirkamali SAR. Analyzing Children's Cyber Pornography with Emphasis on the Law on Protection of Children and Adolescents Approved in 2019. Child Rights Journal. 2022; 4(16): 67-80.

Keywords: Child Pornography, Children and Adolescents, Cyber, Virtual Space
Full-Text [PDF 797 kb]   (234 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/10/25 | Accepted: 2022/12/6
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Mirkamali S A R. Analyzing Children's Cyber Pornography with Emphasis on the Law on Protection of Children and Adolescents Approved in 2019. Child Rights 2023; 4 (16) :67-80
URL: http://childrightsjournal.ir/article-1-136-en.html

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Volume 4, Issue 16 (winter 2023) Back to browse issues page
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