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:: Volume 4, Issue 16 (winter 2023) ::
Child Rights 2023, 4(16): 43-65 Back to browse issues page
Principles of Children's Criminal Policy
Mohammad Ghahramani
Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services of Justice, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (517 Views)
Background and Aim: Criminal policy, which is a set of responses of the society in specific mechanisms to the criminal phenomenon and its control and containment, pursues its goals with development oriented responses in terms of the rights of the victim, the criminal and the society.
Method: By collecting information from library resources in a descriptive-analytical method, the research has been presented with an applied purpose.
Results: The differential criminal policy of children with an emphasis on children's rights has a gentle approach based on welfare and expediency with educational goals. The difference of children requires more support and covering the vulnerabilities of puberty, in order to prevent their social breakdown. Every criminal policy is based on principles that predict the scope, criteria and quality of possible reactions against criminals. The principles of children's criminal policy explain the values and ideal concepts of the society in facing the dangerous situation of children and the regulation of the child-centered criminal justice system with regard to the human rights and citizenship of children.
Conclusion: By studying and examining children's rights documents, we found 60 principles of children's criminal policy, which shows that it is differential. The principles of children's criminal policy are an expression of society's sensitivity towards children, which leads to the initiative of the criminal policy apparatus and the necessary coordination in the legislative, judicial and executive fields. Knowing these principles in the best possible way to adopt a protective and restorative approach to the dangerous situation of the child will help child justice activists.
Please cite this article as:
Ghahramani M. Principles of Children's Criminal Policy. Child Rights Journal. 2022; 4(15): 43-65.

Keywords: Differential Criminal Policy, Transitional Justice, Child, Citizenship Rights, Human Rights
Full-Text [PDF 579 kb]   (263 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review Article | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/10/24 | Accepted: 2022/11/25
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Ghahramani M. Principles of Children's Criminal Policy. Child Rights 2023; 4 (16) :43-65
URL: http://childrightsjournal.ir/article-1-135-en.html

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