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:: Volume 3, Issue 10 (Summer 2021) ::
Child Rights 2021, 3(10): 47-57 Back to browse issues page
legislative Criminal Policy in the Iranian Legal System on Child Rights Violations in the Field of Computer Games
Mohammad Khorshidi Athar
Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (774 Views)
Background and Aim: Criminal protection of children against computer games following the fundamental transformation in the light of technological advances and the spread of computer games along with increasing the power of its impact on human thought and behavior is inevitable. On the one hand, entertaining children due to their strong interest in computer games, and on the other hand, the wide range of such games with large investments to develop computer games in the age group of children In addition to the unhealthy and harmful effects on this vulnerable group has raised many concerns for thinkers. In this study, the criminal policies of the Iranian legal system regarding the violation of children's rights in the context of computer games compared with international documents and from a critical point of view has been evaluated and by perusing the strengths and weaknesses of related laws, the need for comprehensive rules to protect the rights of the child against harming of computer games has been emphasized by formulating an effective differential criminal policy.
Method: The method of discussion in this research is descriptive-analytical and the method of data gathering is library.
Results: In Iran's legal system, a review of the laws related to the current criminal policy regarding the violation of children's rights in the field of creating, publishing and distributing computer games reveals gaps and defects.
Conclusion: By examining the situation of children and their rights against computer games and studying the negative and inappropriate effects of this universal and effective technology on children it is possible to achieve a comprehensive support program containing differential criminal policies against child victimization through the use of computer games. A differential approach to substantive criminal law in the field of child safety in relation to computer games is the role that the legislature can play in protecting children and to prevent the abuse of the rights of this vulnerable group.

Please cite this article as:
Khorshidi Athar M. legislative Criminal Policy in the Iranian Legal System on Child Rights Violations in the Field of Computer Games. Child Rights Journal. 2021; 3(10): 47-57.
Keywords: Criminal Policy, Child Rights, Victimization, Computer Games, Law on Protection of Children and Adolescents
Full-Text [PDF 497 kb]   (220 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Article |
Received: 2021/05/16 | Accepted: 2021/07/19
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Khorshidi Athar M. legislative Criminal Policy in the Iranian Legal System on Child Rights Violations in the Field of Computer Games. Child Rights 2021; 3 (10) :47-57
URL: http://childrightsjournal.ir/article-1-24-en.html

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Volume 3, Issue 10 (Summer 2021) Back to browse issues page
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