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:: Volume 2, Issue 7 (Autumn 2020) ::
Child Rights 2020, 2(7): 11-29 Back to browse issues page
The Measures of Reacting to Pedophiles in Offenses against Children; Punishment or Treatment?
Amir Samavati Pirouz , Hassan Bigdeli
Faculty of Law and Political Science, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
Abstract:   (814 Views)
Pedophilia is one of the paraphilic mental disorders and is one of the groups of child abuse in heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual pedophiles. This disease is caused by a person's emotions and imagination. One of the best ways to identify pedophiles is to examine the person's instinctive reactions to audio and video stimuli related to children. The results of this research, based on descriptive-analytical method and using library tools, include that there is no definite and acceptable treatment for this disease, and that the measures proposed by experts include drug treatment and creating impotence. These measures are very effective in preventing crime because a pedophile, like other criminals, initially investigates the cost of the crime, and if he closes the government sponsors the act and can hide behind the mask of a patient, commits the crime. However, high penalties can be a serious deterrent to crime prevention. In Iran, according to recent cases and in accordance with Islamic jurisprudence, the perpetrators of these crimes, along with having elements constituting a crime, have considered class punishments in such a way that the legislator in articles of the law criminalizes acts against children and It has considered the punishment of imprisonment and flogging, and in other articles, it has considered a heavier punishment in case of sexual offenses such as intercrural sex and tribadism, and a much higher punishment in case of adultery and sodomy.

Please cite this article as: Samavati Pirouz A, bigdeli H. The Measures of Reacting to Pedophiles in Offenses against Children; Punishment or Treatment?. Child Rights J 2020; 2(7): 11-29.
Keywords: Pedophiles, Children, Sexual offenders, Punishments
Full-Text [PDF 688 kb]   (218 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Article |
Received: 2020/06/2 | Accepted: 2020/11/20
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Samavati Pirouz A, bigdeli H. The Measures of Reacting to Pedophiles in Offenses against Children; Punishment or Treatment?. Child Rights 2020; 2 (7) :11-29
URL: http://childrightsjournal.ir/article-1-39-en.html

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