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:: Volume 4, Issue 16 (winter 2023) ::
Child Rights 2023, 4(16): 13-24 Back to browse issues page
The Operational Model of Integration of the Healthcare Programs in Child Rights Clinics
Frouzan Akrami , Mahmoud Abbasi , Ali Reza Zali
The Medical Ethics and Legal Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (530 Views)
Background and Aim: Protecting children is a moral consideration and a legal obligation. This study aimed to provide an operational model for the integration of child and adolescent health care programs in child rights clinics (CRCs).
Method: In this qualitative study, a targeted search for laws and texts related to child/adolescent rights in domestic websites was conducted, using keywords including child/adolescent rights, child/adolescent friendly, or child/adolescent health. After reviewing the related laws and literature of child/adolescent friendly centers, the challenges faced by these centers were determined and the operational model was presented.
Results: A review of the literature shows the establishment of child and adolescent friendly centers and also adolescent health clubs by the Ministry of Health and Medical education with the support of international organizations since 2005, as well as CRCs by the scientific association and national authority of the Children's Rights Convention of the Ministry of Justice since 2015, in Iran. However, the activity of these centers has been stopped due to the cessation of international organizations support and the lack of strategies of inter-sectoral cooperation and community participation. Despite the government's position in protecting children and adolescents in accordance with the mainstream laws and documents and the continuation of the activities of CRCs based on Article 50 of the Executive Regulations of Article 6 of the Law on the Protection of Children and Adolescents, issues such as the lack of budget allocation and the need for free legal services , the lack of monitoring and accreditation unit, as well as the lack of a link between these clinics and healthcare centers for at-risk children and adolescents, are among the challenges facing these centers. Therefore, integrating healthcare programs for at-risk children and adolescents in the CRCs and providing them with counseling and legal assistance services can be an innovative and preventive solution to ensure their health and well-being.
Conclusion: Considering the suspension of the activity of children and adolescents health centers and clubs, and establishment of the approved structure of CRCs, the management of the challenges facing these clinics and the determination of cases of referrals and services that can be provided be them are recommended by the Supreme Council of Health and Food Security with the participation of representatives of partner organizations.
Keywords: Child; Adolescent; Health Care; Child Rights Clinic; Iranian Legal System

Please cite this article as:
Akrami F, Zali AR, Abbasi M. The Operational Model of Integration of the Healthcare Programs in Child Rights Clinics. Child Rights Journal. 2022; 4(15): 13-24.

Keywords: Child, Adolescent, Health Care, Child Rights Clinic, Iranian Legal System
Full-Text [PDF 554 kb]   (193 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/09/30 | Accepted: 2022/11/6
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Akrami F, Abbasi M, Zali A R. The Operational Model of Integration of the Healthcare Programs in Child Rights Clinics. Child Rights 2023; 4 (16) :13-24
URL: http://childrightsjournal.ir/article-1-131-en.html

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Volume 4, Issue 16 (winter 2023) Back to browse issues page
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