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:: Volume 3, Issue 11 (Autumn 2021) ::
Child Rights 2021, 3(11): 27-39 Back to browse issues page
The Child’s Right to Happiness
Sahar Karimi , Abbas Karimi
Department of Private Law, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (701 Views)
Background and Aim: "The Right to Happiness" can be considered as mental health in contrast to the right to physical health; A right that is one of the definitive rights of human beings. This right is especially important for children. The purpose of this article is to recognize and distinguish the concept of the child's right to happiness and examine its types and examples
Method: The presentation and analysis of discussions has been done using the descriptive-analytical method and data collection was in a library (documentary).
Results: Contrary to pleasure, happiness is a concept that is not dependent on it despite being influenced by the environment and in fact, happiness is a face of mental and spiritual health that provides the basis for the optimal management of emotions in the face of environmental factors. This issue becomes especially important in relation to children because the life of a child is a function of his family life and his surrounding environment, which does not play a role in their choice and therefore the responsibility of the legislator and executives to try to provide a happy environment for children is more.
Conclusion: Governments have an important responsibility in providing spiritual happiness for children. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child should grow up in a family environment with an atmosphere of happiness, love and mutual understanding. It seems that in this case, which brought happiness among children's rights, both spiritual and material happiness can be considered. In the meantime, with a broad interpretation of the right to education, this right can be seen as an effective factor for the realization of spiritual happiness and a means to ensure it.

Please cite this article as:
Karimi S, Karimi A. The Child’s Right to Happiness. Child Rights Journal. 2021; 3(11): 27-39.
Keywords: The Right to Happiness, The Right to the Pursuit of Happiness, The Non-Material Happiness, Child, Human Rights
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Type of Study: Original Article |
Received: 2021/09/6 | Accepted: 2021/10/20
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Karimi S, Karimi A. The Child’s Right to Happiness. Child Rights 2021; 3 (11) :27-39
URL: http://childrightsjournal.ir/article-1-90-en.html

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