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:: Volume 2, Issue 8 (Winter 2021) ::
Child Rights 2021, 2(8): 111-145 Back to browse issues page
Obligations of the Adopter Couples towards the Adopted Child and the Enforcement of it in the Iranian Legal System with a Comparative Study in English Law
Marjan Arastooie
Department of Law and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (709 Views)
Child Adoption is an effective entity in terms of improving the living standards of homeless and abused children and couples or people without children, as well as in terms of positive social reflections. In this regard, high support of the adopted child will be necessary by regulating the obligations of guardians and enforcement of them. Obligations of guardians in Iranian law include transferring part of the property, the provision of child expenses, life insurance for the child and custody and good behavior and not to commit acts leading to disqualification, which in case of violation of each one according to the relevant rules will lead to the termination of the adoption, the change of the custody order and the compensation of the damages to the adopted child. In English law, on the other hand, there is a complete adoption system, according to which the relationship resulting from adoption is fully consistent with the legal relationship between the children and their biological parents, which reduces the distinction between the obligations of biological and non-biological guardians. But, in recent laws, a kind of incomplete adoption under the name of ‘Special Guardianship’ with specific obligations has also been identified in this country. In English law, due to the guardian's obligations, which include alimony, care and decision-making in the affairs of the adopted child, there is a guarantee of performances such as obliging and guiding the guardian to perform legal duties and the possibility of prosecution in case of child abuse. Also, according to the judicial procedure and the emphasis of the law on the principle of the material and spiritual well-being of the child, contrary to the rule, in very special and exceptional circumstances, formal adoption can be terminated.

Please cite this article as: Arastooie M. Obligations of the Adopter Couples towards the Adopted Child and the Enforcement of it in the Iranian Legal System with a Comparative Study in English Law. Child Rights J 2020; 2(8): 111-145.
Keywords: Child Adoption, Guardianship Obligations, Enforcement, Iranian Law, British Law
Full-Text [PDF 1024 kb]   (178 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Article |
Received: 2020/07/31 | Accepted: 2021/01/12
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Arastooie M. Obligations of the Adopter Couples towards the Adopted Child and the Enforcement of it in the Iranian Legal System with a Comparative Study in English Law. Child Rights 2021; 2 (8) :111-145
URL: http://childrightsjournal.ir/article-1-37-en.html

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Volume 2, Issue 8 (Winter 2021) Back to browse issues page
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